I’m Busy

In one village, there lived a large family – a husband, a wife and four children. All his life the master of the house worked hard to meet the needs of his near and dear.
Every Sunday, his wife took the children to the church service. However, the head of the family refused to go to church. When his wife asked him why he did not go, he used to say, "You go. And I'm busy."
The master of the house had a habit. Whatever the man started doing, major or minor, he would say, "Lord, help me!" or "With Lord's help!" Without these words, he did not proceed to any work. Therefore, during his long life he turned to God a large number of times, and a large number of things he did with God's help.
And now it is time for the man to die.
– Let me call a priest, – cautiously suggested the wife, – so that you could confess and take communion.
After his wife's words, the man thought. For a moment, the whole life rolled back in his mind’s eye – at work and worry. He remembered how many times his wife had suggested him going to church, and how many times he had excused himself saying he was busy.
Suddenly, the man made an effort, with great difficulty got out of bed and said to his wife:
- Do not call the priest. I'll go to church myself. The Lord so many times came to me, and I to him – never!
Then he turned to the children and said:
– However busy you are, do not miss a chance to come to God. Remember – God is much busier than us, but He always helps us as soon as we turn to Him!