Pope urges Christians to establish a unified date for celebrating Easter

In 2025, the date of Easter celebration aligns for Orthodox, Catholics, and Uniates.
Pope Francis has invited Christians to adopt a unified date for celebrating Easter. He addressed this topic during his sermon on January 25, 2025, as reported by Vatican News.
"Let us rediscover the common roots of the faith,” the Pope exclaimed. “Let us preserve unity!”
Pope Francis also highlighted that 2025 will see the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea, "the first of the great Ecumenical Councils, which produced the Nicene Creed."
He noted that the Nicene Creed is “a common profession of faith that transcends all the divisions that have riven the Body of Christ over the centuries.”
The pontiff emphasized that this anniversary presents “an opportunity for all Christians who recite the Creed and believe in the same God” to take a decisive step forward towards unity around a common date for Easter.
Additionally, the Pope pointed out that in 2025, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ falls on the same date in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
As previously reported by the UOJ, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople stated earlier that celebrating Easter together with the Roman Catholic Church is crucial for the unity of Christians.