Chernovtsy RSA transfers 3 temples to OCU against the will of UOC parishes

Officials of Chernovtsy Regional State Administration issued orders to transfer three churches to the OCU against the will of the UOC religious communities.
On September 9, 2019, Chernovtsy-Bukovina Eparchy reported that Chernovtsy Regional State Administration had issued orders to transfer the temples of Mikhalovka, Chervona Dibrova and Karapchov of Chernovtsy Region to the OCU against the will of the religious communities of the UOC.
“By new raider orders No. 858-p (vlg. Mikhalovka), 855-p (vlg. Chervona Dibrova) 854-p (vlg. Karapchov), the religious communities of the UOC were transferred to the OCU against their will.
Mr. Pavliuk, acting chairman of the Chernovtsy Regional State Administration, continues his raiding policy against the UOC. This time, another three churches of the UOC in the villages of Mikhalovka and Chervona Dibrova of Glubokaya district, and the village of Karapchov of Vizhnitsa district, were transferred to the OCU against the will of religious communities. <...>
Mr. Pavliuk, despite numerous appeals and requests from the Chernovtsy-Bukovina eaprchy to him, pursues his raider activity against the UOC. Probably, he wants to go down in the history of Ukraine as one of the persecutors of the True Church of God like Nero, Diocletian, Khrushchev and others,” the eparchy writes.
The Chernovtsy-Bukovina Eparchy continues to legally uphold its rights in the courts.