Patriarch Kirill: Russia is to change history and push back the apocalypse

25 October 2022 17:21
Patriarch Kirill: Russia is to change history and push back the apocalypse

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said that Russia is helping mankind to shift the apocalyptic end of the world.

Patriarch Kirill said that in the age of globalization and blurring of the boundaries between good and evil, Russia has a special mission to help humanity push back the apocalyptic end. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said this at the opening of the XXIV World Russian People's Council, Interfax reports.

“The Church is an obstruction to globalist processes by nature. The Church testifies to the vertical scale of values, to the distinction between good and evil. Attempts to distort and blur Christian teaching, to deprive the Church of power and voice have been persisting in this regard,” the Patriarch of Moscow noted.

According to the head of the Russian Church, today the issues of ethical choice have acquired a special meaning in the world and determine not only the path of a particular person, but also the fates of entire countries and peoples.

“There is no doubt that the future of our country, people, and in global terms, I think, the future of human civilization will largely depend on how firmly we will stand in truth, how faithful we will be to the precepts of our fathers and how devoted we will be to those enduring spiritual and moral values that we have received, including through the church tradition. For the reason that even the victory over globalism in a single country will not be significant for the whole world, although it will be important,” Patriarch Kirill believes.

According to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, challenges of the time should be resisted through stronger faith, loyalty to traditions, love for the Fatherland, and commitment to its spiritual and material well-being.

“And as long as our Fatherland is an island of freedom, the rest of the world will also have some hope for the opportunity to change the course of history and prevent a global apocalyptic end, at least push it back to that perspective with which none of us bind either our lives or the lives of our closest descendants,” concluded the Patriarch.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Patriarch Kirill praised the neutral position of the World Council of Churches towards the ROC.

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