Russian Сhurch comments on learning Ukrainian in the occupied territories

12 August 2022 21:48
Russian Сhurch comments on learning Ukrainian in the occupied territories

Vladimirr Legoyda believes that the decision to preserve the Ukrainian language in schools in the occupied territories is reasonable.

Vladimir Legoyda, Сhairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church, Society and the Media of the Russian Orthodox Church, considers it reasonable to preserve the study of the Ukrainian language in the territories occupied by the Russian Federation. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

“We are not abolishing the Ukrainian language – everything should be right,” Legoyda said.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reported that schoolchildren in the occupied territories of Ukraine will be able to study the Ukrainian language as a native tongue or optionally.

As the UOJ reported, by decision of the Department of General, Preschool and Secondary Education of Ukraine, the school curriculum will include works by Russian writers, whose creativity is related with Ukraine.

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