Patriarch Theodore: ROC wants to "enslave the Ukrainians"

14 January 2022 18:04
Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria. Photo: Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria. Photo:

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria reminded of Phanar's exclusive right to grant autocephaly.

Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria issued a message to the clergy of the Church of Alexandria in which he unexpectedly stated that the Russian Church "enslaved the Orthodox of Ukraine" after receiving autocephaly in 1589. The head of the Alexandrian Church wrote that he supported the decision of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople to recognize Ukrainian schismatics, as "he agrees with the sacred canons and traditions of our Church" on Phanar's exclusive right to grant autocephaly.

It is noteworthy that commenting on the situation in Ukraine at the end of 2016, Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa called the UOC part of the Russian Church.

"The Patriarchate of Alexandria and I, as its representative, have taken the position on the Ukrainian Church being an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church," the patriarch would say at the time.

In addition, he explained in his message the establishment of the Patriarchal Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa by the desire to "steal" African priests and parishioners, according to the official website of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.

Patriarch Theodore called the creation of the ROC of the African Exarchate "hostile" to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, as it "contradicts many sacred canons forbidding one Church from violating the boundaries of another." He also believes that the Russian Church is thus showing "colonialism" and trying to "steal" African priests and parishioners.

Other theses of the head of the Alexandria Church are written in the article "When a patriarch lies, it is particularly unpleasant."

It will be recalled that the ROC formed the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa and decided to receive 102 clergymen of the Patriarchate of Alexandria from eight African countries, who were not able to persuade their bishops not to recognize the OCU and not to associate with schismatics.

As reported by the UOJ, half of the clergy of the Patriarchate of Alexandria want to join the ROC, said the theologian and priest Georgy Maximov.

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