Metropolitan Onuphry addresses Ukrainians with Christmas greeting

The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church called on the faithful to labor upon themselves to become worthy vessels of Divine love and light, despite the challenges of the modern world.
On Christmas Eve of 2025, Metropolitan Onuphry, the Primate of the UOC, addressed the faithful with a heartfelt Christmas message. The text of his greeting was published by the UOC Press Office.
In his message, Metropolitan Onuphry emphasized that God created us for a life of peace, not for hatred and aggression, and reminded everyone of the call to become bearers of Divine love.
Below is the full text of his Christmas greeting:
Christ is born – glorify Him!
Christ descends from Heaven – welcome Him!
Christ is on Earth – be exalted!
Sing unto the Lord, all the Earth!
(Canon of the Nativity of Christ, Ode 1, Irmos)
I wholeheartedly congratulate all of you – beloved archpastors and pastors, devout monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters – on the great and world-saving Feast of the Nativity in the flesh of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.
The great mystery of godliness has been fulfilled: God has appeared in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). The sacred promise, given by Divine Love to fallen Adam in Paradise, has been realized: the Seed of the Woman has crushed the serpent’s head, the devil, through whom humanity lost Paradise (Gen. 3:15). Saint Athanasius the Great, praising the Mystery of Christ’s Nativity, said that the Master of all, the Word of God, Creator, and Maker of man, came to earth and became Man to give life to humanity and overthrow the wicked enemy (Works, TSL, 1903).
The Nativity of Christ, with its majesty and power of Divine Love, has stirred the entire world – both visible and invisible. Angels marveled at the great Mystery of God’s incarnation; humanity rejoiced, while demons trembled. All creation served the newborn Son of God. The earth provided a manger, the heavens offered angelic praise, humanity brought the worship of shepherds and the gifts of Magi. Even the malice of King Herod, which forced the Infant God to flee to Egypt, served to fulfill the prophecy: "Out of Egypt, I called My Son" (Matt. 2:15).
The eternal Son of God, becoming the Son of Man, illuminated all creation with His Divine light. The humble manger where Christ the Savior was born became a Heavenly Palace, and the crib where the Divine Infant lay became the Throne of God, for, as the holy fathers say, where God rests, there is His Throne.
On the sacred night of Christmas, angels sang a wondrous hymn: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:14). The heavenly hosts announced that, with the Son of God descending to earth in human form, the peace of God and His goodwill had also come to earth. The Son of God reconciled all things to Himself – heavenly and earthly (2 Cor. 5:19). God granted people peace. All that remains for us, His creations, is to approach Him with humility and prayerful hands to receive from His grace this wondrous, sacred gift.
Unfortunately, not all people desire peace. Some, instead of peace, shake weapons, wage wars, rob, and destroy others. We suffer from one such war, yet we stand courageously. Defending our land and spiritual freedom, we pray that the Lord softens the hearts of those who wage war against us, granting them the wisdom and courage to end the war and transform swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks (Isa. 2:4). We pray that all people may understand that the Lord created us not to fight and rob one another, not to harbor hatred and malice in our hearts, but to live in peace, respect one another, and bear Divine love within our hearts. Where there is love, there is God, "for God is love" (1 John 4:8).
Each person must become a vessel of Divine Love. The human heart is a spiritual Bethlehem, and the human mind is a spiritual manger where God, our Creator and Maker, should dwell. Blessed is the person who understands this and, through a righteous and devout life, prepares themselves to be a vessel of Divine Love. Blessed is the one who, with humble prayer and sacred contemplation, unites their mind with the Eternal God, making it a fitting throne for the Heavenly King.
In today’s world, filled with malice, hatred, and greed, this task is challenging yet possible. We must take control of ourselves: patiently work on our spiritual growth, steadfastly correct our lives, and make reasonable efforts to align our lives with God’s sacred laws. The labor of living according to God’s commandments may seem daunting at first, but it is inherently radiant and joyful. It benefits all: primarily the one undertaking it, and also those around them. All other ways of life, dominated by malice, aggression, and lies, may seem attractive at first but are, in essence, spiritual poison – sweet at first taste but ultimately destructive to the one who embraces it and to everything around them.
Let us open our hearts to God, to His Divine Love, for the Lord stands at the door of each heart and lovingly says: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to them" (Rev. 3:20). Let us open our hearts to Divine Love and wrap it in the swaddling clothes of our mutual sacrificial love; then our lives will become joyful and blessed, and nothing and no one will overcome us. For the Eternal Son of the Eternal God, by taking on the form of a man, not only redeemed us from evil but also gave us the power to overcome it.
Once again, I congratulate all of you, dear brothers and sisters, on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. I wish you health, salvation, and God’s blessings. May the peace of God, which the angels sang on that sacred Christmas night, dwell in every heart, in every family, in our homeland of Ukraine, and in the whole world.
Merry Christmas!
Christ is born – glorify Him!
Sing unto the Lord, all the earth!
Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine
The Nativity of Christ, 2024/2025