Expert about Phanar head’s visit: This is part of global war with Orthodoxy

29 August 2021 13:15
Political expert Mikhail Pogrebinsky. Photo: Political expert Mikhail Pogrebinsky. Photo:

According to the expert, the visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to Ukraine pursues political goals, the Phanar head and Zelensky have one master.

Political scientist and director of the Kyiv Centre for Political Research and Conflictology Mikhail Pogrebinsky said that Patriarch Bartholomew deliberately participates in the split of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, and his visit to Ukraine is part of the global war with Orthodoxy, reports the “1Kozak” Youtube channel.

“A man who is heavily dependent on the Americans, not least because there are a large number of Phanariot sponsors there and he has to reckon with it. They have been working with him (Patriarch Bartholomew – Ed.) and with representatives of the Orthodox world in Greece and in other countries for a long time, trying to split the Orthodox world. It began long ago, and Patriarch Bartholomew takes an active part in this. Not young, but he doesn't come across as out of his mind. He perfectly understands what he is doing and what is happening, he is actively involved in the division of Ukrainian Orthodoxy,” said Mikhail Pogrebinsky.

According to him, the Tomos was conceived for business and political goals, and the Phanar head’s visit to Ukraine is a continuation of this process and pursues only political goals.

“He (Patriarch Bartholomew – Ed.) knows that hundreds of thousands of UOC believers are not waiting for him, he knew that protests were being prepared on the day of his arrival, but he was going because he, like Zelensky, had senior comrades, and they are the same people. For Zelensky, the ambassador is an important person, and Bartholomew is supervised by the CIA or the person in charge in the State Department. He knew that the absolute majority was not waiting for him,” the expert added.

Как ранее сообщал СПЖ, эксперт об «объединении» Томосом: Варфоломей не глупый, а значит – лукавый.

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