OCU "dean" Khomiak draws mustaches on parishioners during “extreme unction”

A video has gone viral online, causing outrage among Orthodox Christians.
OCU "priest" Mykola Khomiak, who until recently has been acting as "dean" of Krasyliv, Khmelnytsky region, drew moustaches to his parishioners during the "sacrament of holy unction".
The video of the "unction", held in Khomiak’s temple in Krasyliv, was posted on social networks by local volunteer Tetiana Pidberezna.
The woman captioned the video with the words "I am already ... 'extremely unctioned'... Father Mykola, thank you sincerely".
In the video, the OCU "dean" from Krasyliv, Mykola Khomiak, during the "sacrament of extreme unction", anoints Tetiana Pidberezna with oil from a plastic cup, accompanying his actions with the words: "Look how beautiful you are. Now I'll draw a moustache for you."
Then, Khomiak really draws the smiling woman a moustache with oil.
Note that the Sacrament of Holy Unction is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church, which is of evangelical origin and was instituted by Jesus Christ.
According to St Simeon of Thessalonica, "holy oil, as a sacred action and an image of Divine grace, is given by God for purification and sanctification for those who want to get rid of sins. Therefore, holy oil both grants remission of sins, heals diseases, and is present in sanctification."
Earlier, during the seizure of the UOC temple in the village of Pecheske, Mykola Khomiak insulted a believing woman, ordering her to "shut the hell up".