Pussy Riot hangs LGBT flags on FSB and President's administration buildings

07 October 2020 18:59
LGBT flags were hung on the LGBT flags were hung on the "main symbols of Russian statehood" in Moscow. Photo: meduza.io

The protesters presented a list of requirements, including the legalization of LGBT marriages and the introduction of the “Day of LGBTQ Visibility”.

On October 7, 2020, the Pussy Riot group held another rally in Moscow, hanging LGBT flags on “the main symbols of Russian statehood,” Meduza reports.

Rainbow flags appeared in the morning on the FSB building, the presidential administration, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Culture and the Department of Internal Affairs in the Basmanny District of Moscow.

The protesters also presented a list of requirements, which, in particular, includes the legalization of same-sex marriage, the adoption of a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation, an end to the persecution of same-sex families and the removal of their children, the abolition of the current law on the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations "as discriminatory and violating the right to freedom of expression”.

In addition, the activists demanded to make October 7, the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Day of LGBTQ Visibility.

We will remind, earlier the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of the members of the punk group Pussy Riot, who danced in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The UOJ also wrote about another blasphemous trick of one of the Pussy Riot members, who, together with the leader of the "God's Will" movement Dmitry Tsorionov-Enteo, staged a protest action in Moscow "for the constitutional right to read the Holy Scriptures in public space."

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