Eurosolidarity demands to dismiss head of the Ministry of Culture Tkachenko

19 July 2023 13:02
Oleksandr Tkachenko. Photo: Oleksandr Tkachenko. Photo:

Iryna Herashchenko believes that Tkachenko "introduced political censorship" and is engaged in "the most disgusting carving-up during the war."

MP from Poroshenko's Eurosolidarity party Iryna Herashchenko said on Facebook that her political force would demand from the Verkhovna Rada to dismiss Oleksandr Tkachenko from the post of Minister of Culture of Ukraine.

The reason for such a requirement was the million dollar financing by the Ministry of Culture of companies that worked on the Russian market.

Herashchenko stated that “On June 7, the State Enterprise of Foreign Broadcasting held an ‘art competition’ for films and serials. The winners were the companies LLC Ukrainian Production HUB and LLC KS Production. Their founders constantly worked for the Russian market, in Russian projects for a pro-Russian audience. And now they are again receiving millions from the Ministry of Culture. The it gets even worse. The Russian-language TV channel Dom allocates UAH 10 million for the New Year comedy ‘Nezabudka Sanatorium’.”

According to her information, a new tender has appeared for Prozorro, according to which the Ministry of Culture will allocate UAH 33 million for the SMT Inhulets series during the war. At the same time, the issue of Tkachenko's resignation has already been raised – the corresponding petition gained the necessary votes, so the authorities are obliged to consider it.

“European Solidarity will demand the resignation of the Minister of Culture Tkachenko as a person who is directly responsible for the criminal disruption of the evacuation of cultural and artistic values from the occupied territories, the introduction of political censorship and the most disgusting carving-up during the war,” summarizes Herashchenko.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal would not dismiss Oleksandr Tkachenko from the post of Minister of Culture as demanded by the Ukrainians who signed the petition.

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