SBI: Law enforcement agencies do not investigate cases regarding Tomos

28 July 2020 18:44
The State Bureau of Investigation said that they are not considering cases regarding the Phanar’s granting the Tomos to the OCU by the Phanar. Photo: The State Bureau of Investigation said that they are not considering cases regarding the Phanar’s granting the Tomos to the OCU by the Phanar. Photo:

The aсting Director of the SBI said law enforcers aren't investigating any cases on the Tomos as they have no authority to interfere in the religious life of people.

Law enforcement officials are not investigating any cases regarding the Tomos, said the acting Director of the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine Alexander Sokolov in his commentary for the "Interfax-Ukraine" news agency, published by the Internet portal "NV".

“Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are not investigating issues related to the granting of Tomos to the religious community. According to the Constitution, the state is separated from the Church and should not interfere with the implementation by citizens of their right to freedom of religion,” said Sokolov.

The acting Director of the SBI clarified that the issues of violence or property but not the voluntary creation or unification of religious communities are within the competence of law enforcement agencies.

Earlier, the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that a criminal case was brought against him because of the Tomos of the OCU. In the schismatic structure, this event was called a “shameful and absurd attempt to put pressure” on their religious organization, which is beneficial to the aggressor country.

On July 28, 2020, Poroshenko said that he was proud of the Tomos case brought against him.

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