Archbishop Viсtor: UOC-banning laws is an obstacle to European integration

18 December 2022 17:23
Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo: Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo:

Anti-church laws can be successfully challenged in international institutions, the hierarch of the UOC noted.

Vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis Archbishop Victor (Kotsaba) said that the laws banning the UOC will become an obstacle to European integration, reports.

According to him, these laws will be successfully challenged in international institutions.

“Now the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is preparing to consider 4 bills aimed at restricting the rights of believers and liquidating the UOC. Although they do not directly mention the UOC, the accompanying documents to the bills show the opposite. Their content is striking in the level of legal nihilism and inconsistency with the principles of international law. For example, a bill submitted by MP N. Kniazhytsky from Eurosolidarity proposes to monopolize the word ‘Orthodox’ for the OCU and not to use it in the title without its permission. That is, if you have not received permission or do not belong to the OCU, you will not have the right to call yourself Orthodox,” said the hierarch of the UOC.

“Of course, such legislative initiatives will not have support in the respected international community, they will be successfully challenged in international institutions and will become a significant obstacle to European integration,” he added.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the hierarch of the UOC said it is impossible to combine the prosperity of Ukraine with the ban on the Church.

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