UOC hierarch recommends on measures in temple against coronavirus

Met. Filaret of Lviv believes one should follow the instructions of doctors but not to speculate on the Holy Communion, which is for healing the soul and body.
The head of the Synodal Department for Health and Pastoral Care of UOC medical institutions, Metropolitan Filaret (Kucherov) of Lviv and Galicia urged the flock to take precautions during the coronavirus epidemic seriously, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.
"People should understand that by following clear recommendations of physicians and government regulations, we will be able to protect ourselves from the infection and spread of the virus," said the metropolitan. “State and local self-government bodies make the appropriate decisions. The Church should help bring important and useful information to the attention of believers. Every person should take full responsibility for what is happening".
The head of the Health Care Department emphasized that people who feel sick should not attend Divine services, and the clergy should be especially attentive to the measures of epidemiological safety in temples.
"During the pandemic, kissing sacred things should be avoided and replaced by bowing. Priests should abstain from blessing by kissing their hands. In temples, it is worth considering the use of disposable drinking glasses after communion or limiting consumption to Antidoron, according to Greek tradition," said the head of the Health Сare Department.
At the same time, the metropolitan stressed that it is impossible to speculate on questions about the Holy Communion, as the Holy Body and Blood of Christ are given to us for healing the soul and body.
"The absence of complaints and gratitude to God for all trials bring spiritual comfort, give strength to overcome temptations and sorrows," said the hierarch. “The Church reminds us of patience for people, care for our neighbours, and support with good words. More love and kindness – less fuss and panic, which destroys the way of thinking and provokes reckless actions. It is in times of national disasters and sorrows that the Church with a special feeling calls us to common prayer, repentance and fasting. Lent is a good time for special reflection, restraint and prayer.”
As the Metropolitan noted, illness is always inappropriate and causes restriction of freedom. Our attitude to it depends on what the disease will serve: spiritual growth or spiritual fall caused by panic and estrangement.
"No one is immune to the epidemic, so only through agreed action and a sound approach is it possible to minimize the impact of the disease and reduce the territory of its spread. Help one another, support one another, and pray to the Lord for mercy," Metropolitan Filaret concluded.
As reported earlier, Kyiv authorities banned mass worship in the capital until the end of March.