Montenegrin priest: Ministry of His Beatitude Onuphry is an example to us

06 March 2020 23:43
Archpriest Slobodan Zekovic, rector of the St. John Vladimir Cathedral in Bar. Photo: UOJ Archpriest Slobodan Zekovic, rector of the St. John Vladimir Cathedral in Bar. Photo: UOJ

A clergyman of the Metropolis of Montenegro and the Littoral said how Metropolitan Onuphry, Primate of the UOC, is treated in Montenegro.

The example of His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Onuphry shows how faith, patience, and love can withstand temptations, said Archpriest Slobodan Zekovic, the rector of the St. John Vladimir Cathedral in Bar, in the comments for the UOJ before the festive Liturgy in the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, on February 29, 2020. 

According to the Montenegrin clergyman, His Beatitude Onuphry, well-known in the entire Orthodox world, is an example of a true Orthodox confessor.

"We know that in fraternal Ukraine, the Orthodox people suffer a lot from schismatics," said the archpriest. “But Metropolitan Onuphry’s example shows us how faith, patience, and love can withstand temptations. Therefore, his arrival in Montenegro is a great comfort and joy for all Orthodox Christians. His ministry is an example to us; we must protect our shrines in Montenegro so as the Ukrainian Church protects them from the encroachments of the schismatic."

The cleric believes that the Montenegrin authorities are copying the actions of the Ukrainian authorities against the Church.

“But as in Ukraine the overwhelming majority of Orthodox Christians support the canonical Church, so does Montenegro. And since the actions of the authorities against the Church have led to nothing in Ukraine, we hope that the same will be the case in Montenegro,” he added.

As reported earlier, Metropolitan Amfilohij of Montenegro and the Littoral expressed his heartfelt gratitude to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry for his support and participation in the cross procession in Podgorica.

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