UOC can retain its name by the decision of Supreme Court of Ukraine

16 December 2019 21:50
Illustrative photo:bitnovosti.com Illustrative photo:bitnovosti.com

The Supreme Court of Ukraine didn't satisfy the Ministry of Culture's cassation appeal regarding the renaming of UOC and allowed it to retain its original name.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine agreed with the verdicts of the two previous courts, which had already satisfied the application of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Onuphry, on the ban in relation to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture and their structural units, state registrars, public and private notaries to carry out any registration actions, to cancel registration actions and entries regarding 267 religious organizations. Glavkom edition was informed about it by Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, Chancellor of the UOC, permanent member of the Holy Synod of the UOC-MP.

“The panel of judges agrees with the findings of the courts of the previous instances, which established that the registration authorities are prohibited from any action of entering information into the USR about the Kiev Metropolis of the UOC and its structural religious organizations before the resolution of this dispute on the merits. Since the failure to take such measures can significantly complicate or even make impossible the execution of the court’s decision if the claims are satisfied, and complicate the effective protection and restoration of the rights and interests of the plaintiff, for the protection of which he went to court,” the Supreme Court said.

As reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists, Minister of Culture Vladimir Borodiansky considered it obligatory to rename the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The former head of the Department of the Ministry of Culture for Religious Affairs, Andrei Yurash, said that the UOC communities that have not made changes to their statutes will not be able to implement any legal action.

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