UOC ex-speaker accompanied by the Kiev Patriarchate sponsor and Uniate visits Patriarch of Jerusalem

25 January 2017 20:22
UOC ex-speaker accompanied by the Kiev Patriarchate sponsor and Uniate visits Patriarch of Jerusalem
Ex-speaker of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church protopriest Georgy Kovalenko visited the Holy Land accompanied by President of “First Private Brewery” company Andrey Matsola and General Director of “1+1 media» Alexander Tkachenko. It was reported by Kovalenko on his page in Facebook, writes Raskolam.net.

“We presented to the Patriarch of Jerusalem an Open Orthodox University of Saint Sophia the Wisdom and all our editions,” shares Kovalenko.

Kovalenko’s consorts have nothing to do with canonical Orthodoxy, since brewer Andrey Matsola is an active patron and UOC-KP affiliate, while “1+1” General Director Alexander Tkachenko is Greek-Catholic by confession. Despite these facts, protopriest Georgy Kovalenko organized a meeting with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who most likely is not familiar with Kovalenko’s company and has no idea of their activity regarding the canonical Church.

“1+1” TV channel is well-known to Orthodox Ukrainians for its defaming information policy toward the UOC. Nevertheless, Alexander Tkachenko supports Kovalenko’s educational project called “Open Orthodox University of Saint Sophia the Wisdom”, whereas the owner of “First Private Brewery” makes lavish donations on the activity of the UOC ex-speaker.
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