Parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church opened in Denmark

14 June 2022 13:02
Parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church opened in Denmark

In the city of Holstebro in northern Denmark, the first service for the community of the UOC took place on the Holy Trinity feast.

With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine and at the request of Ukrainian believers in Denmark, a parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was opened in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. This was reported by the press service of the DECR UOC.

The first Divine Liturgy in the newly formed community was celebrated on the Holy Trinity Day, June 12, 2022, in Holstebro (Jutland Peninsula) in northern Denmark. Priest Yevgeny Martyniuk, cleric of the Kyiv diocese, has been appointed rector of the community.

“We are incredibly happy and proud of what happened today! The opening of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church should have taken place long before the war, but it is being created now with the participation of all of us, and this is something we can be proud of. It is very important for us that our children know the traditions that we have in Ukraine. Many refugees are now coming to Denmark and they also need the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Denmark, where they can come and pray for peace in Ukraine,” said parishioner Yaroslava Ivanitskaya in a commentary to the Danish TV channel DK.

It should be noted that Ukrainians in Jutland live in different towns at great distances from each other and gather in a certain place for regular services, the closest for all parishioners, which is constantly changing.

Recall that the Council, which was held in Feofaniya on May 27, decided to create a diaspora of the UOC abroad due to the mass departure of Ukrainians from the country.

As the UOJ reported, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich said that since the outbreak of the war, 10 communities of the UOC have been opened abroad.

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