Volyn: In vlg. Ozero believers "transferred" to OCU while praying in church

11 May 2022 14:37
While the believers are praying in the church, the OCU is agitating the villagers. Photo: a screenshot of the 12kanal.com report While the believers are praying in the church, the OCU is agitating the villagers. Photo: a screenshot of the 12kanal.com report

OCU supporters arranged a vote on the transfer of the church community in vlg. Ozero while its members were having a liturgy, then pushed them out and sealed the doors.

Another UOC church in Volyn was "transferred" to the OCU without the participation of the rector and parishioners. In the village of Ozero, Lutsk district, clerics and supporters of the OCU initiated gatherings of the villagers concerning the "transfer" of the Pokrovsky (Protection) Church to the Dumenko structure. During the service, the OCU "priests," men in military uniform from surrounding villages and other activists arranged a vote on the bank of the pond.

According to Channel 12, the rector of the church, Father Mikhail, and the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church did not take part in this 'veche' (gathering). People in cassocks from the OCU announced through microphones that the Protection of the Holy Mary Church was "transferred" to them and went to the church without waiting for the service to be over. Despite the protests of the parishioners, a crowd of "believers" led by the OCU "priest" broke down the gate and stormed into the territory of "their" church. They demanded the keys from Father Michael, and when he refused, they sealed the doors. According to the journalists, "no one is going to cut the doors with a disc grinder".

In April alone, the schismatics tried this scheme of "transfer" to the OCU in dozens of Ukrainian temples of the canonical Church. In early May, local activists in the Palcha Eparchy of Volyn voted at a meeting to transfer the church to the OCU and cut off the lock on the doors. Similarly, the church in Dubyshcha was given to the OCU despite the rector's protest.

As reported, the Union of Orthodox Lawyers issued a statement on illegal attempts by local officials and politicians to stop the activities of UOC communities.

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