Hierarch of Russian Church tells how the Antichrist seal can become reality

19 January 2022 15:32
Bishop Porfiriy spoke about the seal of the Antichrist. Photo: solovki-monastyr.ru Bishop Porfiriy spoke about the seal of the Antichrist. Photo: solovki-monastyr.ru

The abbot of the Solovetsky Monastery spoke about how the ancient prophecies about the seal of the Antichrist could come true.

Accepting the seal of the Antichrist is the only sin that completely closes the possibility of entering the Kingdom of Heaven, Bishop Porfiriy, abbot of the Solovetsky Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, said in a sermon on the Eve of Theophany, a recording of which is posted on the YouTube channel of the monastery.

“We know that the seal of Antichrist is the only sin that deprives a person of the grace of baptism. No matter what mortal sins a person commits, the grace of baptism remains in him, and he has the opportunity, having repented, to return again to the blessed Kingdom of the saints. And only one sin will not give a person the opportunity to return to the sainthood, to the society of Christ's followers – if he accepts this seal,” said Bishop Porfiry.

Modern attempts to achieve bodily immortality, the creation of artificial forms of life bring us to ancient prophecies, Vladyka believes.

“Having all the achievements of science and technology, man cannot create a living elementary cell, a single-celled amoeba. These same fools want to make truly the most complex and greatest of God's creations – this is consciousness. Of course, these attempts are doomed to failure. However, striving for them, people can really deeply damage the creation of God. And, apparently, the ancient prophecies and exhortations of the Holy Scriptures about the seal of the Antichrist will be fleshed out on these paths.

At the same time, Bishop Porfiriy emphasized that the main thing Christians should be afraid of is falling out of the salvific ship of the Church.

“However, there is a strong hope in our hearts, for the Lord once announced He will give eternal life to those who follow Him, and no one will snatch them out of the Lord’s hand. He announced to us and confirmed us for all times so that we stay away from sin, be careful in this life in the hope of salvation, which is given by God, given to us initially in the baptismal font, into which the Lord once sank us and through this led us to the salvific ship of the Holy Church by His Providence and care for us. May God help us not to leave or be outside the walls of this salvific ship under any circumstances.

Earlier, the theologian explained whether the QR code and the COVID vaccine are the seal of the Antichrist.

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