In Spain, Catholic nuns dance in the altar before the throne

Some Catholic believers find such dances in the sanctuary “disconcerting”.
In the Roman Catholic Church in the town of Balaguer, in the Diocese of Urgell, Spain, a group of Catholic nuns from the Order of St. Clare danced in the sanctuary before the altar.
A video published on the blog shows several nuns wearing red capes over their habits performing dance movements to music.
Afterward, the eldest of the nuns takes a cross, blesses each dancing nun with it, then proceeds into the church to offer the cross to the faithful for veneration.
The blog’s author commented that “judging by the video – and other similar videos on YouTube – these nuns were trying to express something through modern dance, using appropriate music and costumes.”
“I can hardly imagine the expressions on the faces of the spectators as they watched these elderly women, all of them virgins, seriously performing such a disgraceful spectacle that causes embarrassment even when viewed alone,” the post on remarked.
As previously reported, a Roman Catholic Church in Mexico celebrated Mass incorporating a Mayan pagan ritual.