Poll: Uniates and supporters of OCU are the most in favor of banning UOC

04 October 15:21
Opinion poll. Photo: VSHU Opinion poll. Photo: VSHU

Among non-religious respondents, every fifth person is indifferent to this issue.

Supporters of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) are the most active in supporting the idea of banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). According to the poll, 87.1% of UGCC believers and 82.8% of OCU supporters are in favor of a law prohibiting the activities of the UOC, reports Interfax.

This is evidenced by the results of the study "Ukrainians During the War: Pride, Memory, Victory", conducted by the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences in cooperation with the Association of Political Psychologists of Ukraine.

In general, more than 70% of surveyed Ukrainians fully or partially support a ban on the activities of the UOC, while 15% are against such a decision. The lowest level of support for this idea was recorded among UOC believers. The study also showed that every fifth representative of other denominations or non-religious citizens is indifferent to this issue.

The survey was conducted from September 17 to 28, 2024, among 1,157 adult respondents across all regions of Ukraine under state control. The statistical margin of error is 3.2%.

As previously reported by the UOJ, Robert Amsterdam called the KIIS poll on the ban of the UOC fraudulent.

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