Bulgarian politician: Awarding Phanar head by the BOC Synod is a scandal

Rumiana Chenalova stated that Patriarch Bartholomew deserves criticism.
The awarding of the highest honor of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – the Order of St. John of Rila – to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has sparked sharp criticism from judge and politician Rumiana Chenalova, according to Glasove. Chenalova said that this decision by the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is “scandalous” and contradicts the actions of the patriarch himself, which are "hard to justify".
According to her, right after the schism in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church was overcome, Bartholomew made a series of moves that deserve criticism. In particular, she pointed to his commitment to ecumenism and globalism, emphasizing that the patriarch is in “close and deep ties with radical globalists and liberals” such as Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton.
Chenalova also questioned the legitimacy of Bartholomew's claims to primacy among Orthodox churches. She stressed that, according to Orthodox canons, the Patriarch of Constantinople should be “first among equals,” which is an honorary title, but does not imply supreme authority. “What Bartholomew is doing, and his claims to leadership in the Orthodox world, contradict the very spirit of canonical law,” she added.
The lawyer also criticized the patriarch's participation in the so-called Council of Crete in 2016, where issues of tolerance towards same-sex marriages and homosexuality were discussed. Chenalova pointed out that such discussions in the context of the Orthodox faith “cause deep bewilderment” and go against traditional values.
In conclusion, Rumiana Chenalova underscored that awarding Patriarch Bartholomew by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is “hypocrisy”. She expressed the opinion that Bartholomew's actions on the international stage run counter to the values and interests of the Orthodox world, and his awarding of the Order of St. John of Rila appears to be a “clear political move” rather than a church recognition of merit.
“We must understand that his award is not just a ceremony. It is a signal that serious processes are taking place in our Church and political circles that are causing concern among believers and patriots,” she concluded.
As the UOJ previously reported, the Bulgarian Church awarded Patriarch Bartholomew for overcoming the schism.