Phanar takes former ROC Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev under its omophorion

Andrei Kuraev has displayed a letter from Patriarch Bartholomew regarding his reinstatement to the clerical rank.
Ex-protodeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church Andrei Kuraev has published on his Facebook page a letter from Patriarch Bartholomew regarding his reinstatement to the clerical rank and his acceptance into the clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Patriarch Bartholomew wrote that he releases Andrei Kuraev from punishment and reinstates him to the same rank he held before.
"Considering that only We, the shepherd of Constantinople, bear the responsibility and authority according to Divine and Holy Canons and the established practice of the Church 'to receive clergy from other churches, even if they have not received a letter of release from the bishop who ordained them' (cf. the interpretation of Theodore Balsamon on canons 17 and 18 of the Trullan Council and canon 10 of the Seventh Ecumenical Council [3]), graciously accepting your request, We include you among our holy clergy under our omophorion," the letter from the head of the Phanar reads.
As reported by the UOJ, former cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church protodeacon Andrei Kuraev previously wrote that he received an "electronic decree". From the cleric's post, it can be inferred that this decree pertains to his appeal to Patriarch Bartholomew.