R. Dawkins stripped of ‘Humanist of the Year’ title due to gender statement

Popular science communicator Richard Dawkins stated that "the identity of transgender individuals is fake" and criticized "black identity".
Renowned scientist and atheist popularizer Richard Dawkins ended up on the list of banned authors after expressing views against gender policy, pch24 reports.
At the same time, the American Humanist Association (AHA), one of the most influential atheist and anti-religious groups in the United States, revoked Richard Dawkins' title of "Humanist of the Year" awarded to him in 1996.
The American organization stated that Dawkins had made a series of "statements that marginalized minorities under the guise of scientific discourse," and this "directly contradicts humanistic values."
"Some men want to identify themselves as women, and some women want to identify themselves as men. Those who deny that they are really who they want to identify with are condemned," Dawkins wrote.
The famous atheist also stated that "the identity of transgender individuals is fake" and criticized "black identity".
Earlier, Robert Hoogland, who tried to prevent his child from changing gender, was sentenced to 6 months in prison for violating a ban on communicating with the press and disclosing names.