Finland's Church of the Phanar allows to donate bodies to science

The Council of Bishops authorised the transfer of bodies for medical research, as well as cremation.
On 8 February 2024, the Council of Bishops of the Church of Finland (Patriarchate of Constantinople) decided to use the bodies of the deceased for medical experiments and organ donation. This is stated in the minutes of the Council of Bishops, published on the website of the Church of Finland.
The reason for this decision was an appeal to Metropolitan Arseny of Kuopio by a parishioner asking how the Church views the use of the body of the deceased for medical research and organ donation.
The Council's resolution states that it "sees no impediment to the transfer of the body after death for medical research, provided that the body is treated with respect during procedures carried out for an experimental purpose to protect and improve human life."
The same applies to donation, which, it is noted, requires separate lifetime consent.
"In this case, care must be taken in advance to ensure that the Church's teaching on the human body is not compromised. After the procedures, the remains should be consecrated according to the rules of the Orthodox Church and preferably buried in a coffin, as is customary in Orthodox tradition," the document says.
As it goes on to specify, if for some reason cremation is chosen, "the ashes should be buried in an urn and in a marked place."
It will be reminded that the Orthodox Church of Finland will continue to celebrate Easter with Catholics.