Head of Phanar leads a Christmas service for Istanbul's "Russian" community

Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated Christmas with the Russian-speaking community of Istanbul at the St Andrew's Metochion of the Vatopedi Monastery.
On 7 January 2024, the day of Christmas according to the Julian calendar, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople officiated a divine service in the Russian-speaking community of Istanbul. The broadcast of the service was published on the Ecumenical Patriarchate's Facebook page.
The Nativity service was held in the St Andrew's Metochion of the Vatopedi Monastery in Istanbul.
During his sermon, the patriarch noted that "Christmas is the very holiday that unites Russians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Romanians" and representatives of other nationalities.
"On this great holiday of our faith, I could not be far from you, from my children. We celebrated Christmas on 25 December, but since our pastors now celebrate it according to the Julian calendar, I could not be absent today. <...> Unfortunately, I could not come to the Consecration Day Feast of your St Andrew's Church, so today I came with a double joy – to celebrate Christmas," the head of the Phanar said.
As reported by the UOJ, the President of Poland congratulated the Orthodox on Christmas.