Expert: “Biarritz Partnership” initiatives threaten traditional values

Yuri Reshetnikov pointed out the real risks for the educational process in Ukraine, which may result from the implementation of initiatives to promote gender equality.
The initiatives of the international “Biarritz Partnership”, of which Ukraine became a member on September 11, 2020, pose a real threat to the further teaching of spiritual and moral subjects and programmes to prepare for family life based on traditional family values. A religious expert, chairman of the State Committee for Nationalities and Religions in 2009-2010, Yuri Reshetnikov, said this in a commentary to the UOC Information and Educational Department.
On December 16, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by order No. 1578-r, approved an action plan to implement the obligations of the Ukrainian government undertaken within the framework of the “Biarritz Partnership” international initiative to promote gender equality. In particular, the obligations provide for the integration of a gender component into the educational process, with the conduct of an “anti-discrimination examination” of educational content and a “gender audit” of educational institutions.
“It is absolutely clear that the specified mandatory “anti-discrimination expertise” of all educational content will be carried out by public organizations promoting the introduction of gender ideology into the education sector, including those that last year blocked the teaching of the “Family Foundations” programme for 10-11 form pupils by Bukovinsky,” noted Yuri Reshetnikov. “Therefore, it is quite understandable, based on what ideological attitudes and with what consequences for the further teaching of subjects of spiritual and moral direction and programmes for preparing for family life, this "expertise" will be carried out."
He emphasized that the above plan raised the issue of “anti-discrimination expertise” from the level of normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science to the level of acts of the Cabinet of Ministers, and “it is noteworthy that the action plan was worked out not in the Department of Humanitarian and Social Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine but by the staff of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy K. Levchenko, known for her intolerant attitude towards measures aimed at protecting traditional family values."
“Thus, there is a very real threat to the further teaching of spiritual and moral subjects and programmes to prepare for family life based on traditional family values,” the expert said.
Let us remind you that earlier the AUCCRO opposed the tasks of the international “Biarritz Partnership”, among which was the popularization of abortion among girls and the promotion of gender ideology.