OCU urges authorities to move public holidays by a new style

Dumenko said that after the transition of the OCU to the new style, some public holidays should also be brought into compliance with it.
After the transition to the new style, the OCU considers it necessary to bring public holidays into compliance with a new calendar. This was stated in a BBC commentary by Epifaniy Dumenko, as well as in an interview with Radio Svoboda Oleksandr (Drabinko).
“We will appeal to the authorities to reconcile state and church holidays. For example, this applies to the day of statehood on the feast of St. Volodymyr on July 28, and now it will be July 15. The same concerns the Intercession holiday. We will ask to reschedule them,” Dumenko said.
At the same time, Drabinko claims that the appeal to the authorities to move state holidays is precisely his idea.
“My initiative was to apply to the relevant state authorities, within whose purview it is, to resolve this issue according to the new-style church calendar, as we call it, and in accordance with the holidays that are associated with it. I mean the Intercession and Statehood Day. In fact, these are only two holidays that we celebrate together with the state, which coincide with church holidays, red-letter days,” Drabinko said.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the OCU switched to a new calendar.