I'm self-isolated: Bishop Jonah says he got infected with coronavirus

09 April 2020 14:27
Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov). Photo: pravmir.ru Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov). Photo: pravmir.ru

Rector of the Holy Trinity-St. Jonah Monastery, Archbishop Jonah of Obukhov feels satisfactory and continues his viceroy ministry remotely.

The head of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov), was diagnosed with coronavirus and is now self-isolated. The hierarch himself announced this on Friday, April 9, 2020, on his Facebook page.

“Friends, I am affected by the global infection, too,” wrote Bishop Jonah. “After Sunday’s service outdoors, my temperature rose, on Monday it reached 38 and I decided to take a test, just in case. Yesterday it became known that it was positive. I feel normal now, in the morning it was 36.7. I am in complete isolation. Services in the monastery take their course, but without parishioners since the botanical garden is on lockdown.”

He noted that getting infected with coronavirus with such a number of contacts as he had is “no surprise”.

“I am under doctors’ control, I don’t leave monastery affairs, but I deal with them remotely – by phone, SMS, etc.,” added Bishop Jonah.

In the comments to the message of the hierarch, many believers wish him a complete speedy recovery and God's help.

“With people remotely - it's in a monastic way, and God is always by side. Get well!" wrote one of the users of the social network.

As reported earlier, in connection with the quarantine, authorities blocked the entrance to the N. N. Grishko Botanical Garden in Kyiv, where the St. Jonah Monastery is located. The brotherhood of the monastery continues to perform services, which are live-streamed. Online services are available here.

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