“Hierarch” of OCU serves lity for Uniate Stepan Bandera

03 January 2020 12:01
"Bishop" of OCU Viktor Bed’. Photo: UAOC website

"Bishop" Viktor Bed’ prayed for forgiveness of sins, committed by the long-time leader of the OUN, and for giving his soul "eternal rest and life in the heaven".

On January 1, 2020, on the occasion of the 111th anniversary of the birth of one of the main ideologists of Ukrainian nationalism, “bishop of Mukachevo and Carpathian” Viktor Bed’ served a lity for Uniate Stepan Bandera – “an outstanding Ukrainian political, state and military leader, the long-standing head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, a fighter for the national and state independence of Ukraine, politically persecuted and repressed by the Polish, Nazi-German and Moscow Communist Soviet occupation regimes, insidiously killed by agents of the Moscow KGB / Communist Party." This was reported by the press service of the diocese of the OCU.

It is noted that "in prayer to the Lord, bishop Viktor asked for forgiveness of all earthly sins of the reposed, committed on his own free will or under duress, as well as for granting his soul eternal rest and life in the heaven."

Recall that Stepan Bandera, the son of the Greek Catholic priest Andrei Bandera, was a Uniate.

Earlier, on June 30, 2019, “bishop” of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Viktor Bed’ (former archimandrite of the UOC who, in search of “his Church” first tried to become a “bishop” of the UOC-KP and later moved to the UAOC) served a memorial service for the “fighter for national and state independence of Ukraine”, general of the OUN-UPA Roman Shukhevych, who was also a Greek Catholic.

At the same time, as reported by the UOJ, the head of the OCU Epiphanius Dumenko said earlier that he was proud when he and members of his church structure are called Banderites.

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