Believers do not come to the enthronement of OCU "primate" Epiphany

A few passers-by gathered in the square in front of the St. Sophia of Kiev to greet the “enthronement” of the head of the OCU Epiphany.
The ceremony took place at the St. Sophia Cathedral of Kiev today, February 3. Sophia Square itself was deserted, reports "Strana".
Policemen, representatives of the National Guard, who were guarding public order, gathered in the square in front of the temple.
At the entrance to the cathedral, there was a metal frame.
Journalists and a few dozen passers-by watched the action, standing on the opposite side of the road. For the time of the liturgy, Vladimirskaya Street was partially closed. Some people passed by lists.
As the UOJ reported, "honorary patriarch" Filaret did not attend the "enthronement" of "metropolitan" Epiphany of the OCU at the St. Sophia of Kiev. As it became known, Filaret Denisenko is allegedly on treatment.