Kiev City Council does not rename Vatutin Prospect into Shukhevich

26 December 2016 14:40
Kiev City Council does not rename Vatutin Prospect into Shukhevich
The deputies of the Kyiv City Council did not have enough votes to rename the General Vatutin Prospect in honor of UPA Commander Roman Shukhevych. Reported Liga.Novosti

Kiev city council refused to rename the capital's General Vatutin Prospect to the commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Roman Shukhevich. The corresponding decision was supported by 41 deputies out of 86 registered for the meeting, as evidenced by the data on the display.

The greatest number of votes for renaming was given by Samopomich fraction (15), Svoboda (13) and Batkivschina (10).

At the same time 36 out of 38 deputies from the Party of Solidarity did not vote, as well as Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, who was also present at the meeting.
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