All-Ukrainian Cross procession has begun (PHOTO, VIDEO)

03 July 2016 19:33
All-Ukrainian Cross procession has begun (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Today at 2 p.m. All-Ukrainian Cross Procession left the Holy Assumption Sviatogorsk Lavra to move on further. Upon blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Onuphry, the Cross Procession will take place in behalf of peace, love, and prayer for Ukraine, uniting East and West of the country.  

About 2 thousand believers on hearing the sermon and receiving blessing of the father superior of Sviatogorsk Lavra Met. Arseny, made for Bogorodichnoye village (the first pit stop of the procession). After the moleben prayer the Cross Procession will be resumed.   

At nearly 7 p.m. pilgrims are supposed to reach their final destination of today’s Procession – Saint George skete in Dolina village.

On July 9 the Cross Procession will start from the venue of the Hole Assumption Pochaev Lavra.

A “hot line” telephone for those who wish to join the Cross Procession along the Sviatogorsk-Kiev route: +380957299859.

A “hot line” telephone for those who wish to join the Cross Procession along the Pochaev-Kiev: +380670097733.


Photo – Sergey Ryzhkov

Photo – Ivan Nakonechny

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